All Notes, ix,x,xi,xii,,,B.cs,Medical,and all Knowledge of Bussiness Administration.

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(Paper-I Class-IX) General Group

General Instructions
It consists of 20 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and all questions are to be attempted. (20 Marks)

It consists of 15 Short Answer Questions out of which 10 questions are to be attempted. (50 Marks)

It consists of 05 Detailed Answer Questions out of which 03 questions are to be attempted. (30 Marks)

(20 Marks)
i. Attempt all the questions
ii. Do not copy down the question write only the answer.
iii. Each question carries ONE mark.

Q.1. Choose the correct answer for each from the given options.

i. Which Muslim Scientist wrote the Book "Al-Qanoon"?
a) Al Beruni
b) Al Razi
c) Ibn-ul-Haitham
d) Bu Ali Sina

ii. The hardest substance found in nature is _______
a) Diamond
b) Graphite
c) Magnesium
d) Carbon

iii. How much blood a normal human body contains?
a) 1 Liter
b) 5 Liter
c) 10 Liter
d) 15 Liter

iv. Which disease is caused by Virus?
a) Small Pox
b) Tetanus
c) Typhoid
d) Cholera
v. The commercial unit of Electrical energy is _________
a) Ohm
b) Volt
c) Farad
d) Kilowatt hour

vi. Ozone layer is being damaged by the increase in the atmosphere of
a) NH3
b) SO2
c) Chlorofluorocarbon gas
d) CO2

vii. Which rays are used for the treatment of cancer?
a) Light rays
b) Radioactive rays
c) Infra red rays
d) Metallic rays

viii. ________ is known as the founder of Modern Science.
a) Edison
b) Galileo
c) Newton
d) Faraday

ix. Which charge does electron carry?
a) Positive
b) Negative
c) Neutral
d) Division

x. The essential component of teeth and bones is
a) Calcium
b) Patassium
c) Sodium
d) Iron

xi. Which energy is produced in the body due to motion?
a) Chemical
b) Potential
c) Mechanical
d) Kinetic

xii. There are ______ types of computer
a) One
b) Two
c) Four
d) Five

xiii. Na24 isotopes are used for the treatment of diseases of _______
a) Bones
b) Blood
c) Brain
d) Heart

xiv. The quantity of O2 in air by volume is
a) 72%
b) 20%
c) 31%
d) 78%

xv. Mass number of Sulphur is ______
a) 32
b) 42
c) 52
d) 72

xvi. The basic unit of human body is
a) Cell
b) Protoplasm
c) Plasma
d) Vitamin

xvii. Green house effect keeps the earth's atmosphere
a) Warm
b) Cold
c) Green
d) Fertile

xviii. Energy is defined as ________
a) Power
b) Work
c) Fuel
d) ability of a body to do work

xix. Which vitamin helps in clotting in blood?
a) C
b) B
c) D
d) K

xx. The most important element found in petrol and other organic compounds is
a) Calcium
b) Sulphur
c) Magnesium
d) Carbon

(50 MARKS)
Attempt 10 Questions from this Section. Each question carries 05 Marks.

Q.2. Define Science. Describe any four branches of Science.

Q.3. Write names of five diseases caused by Bacteria.

Q.4. Write symptoms of Aids and two precautionary measures.

Q.5. What are hormones? Write names of four hormones produced by glands.

Q.6. Write five uses of Oxygen gas.

Q.7. Write five differences between Photosynthesis and Respiration.

Q.8. Write five harmful effects of Pollution.

Q.9. Write names of five products obtained from Dairy Farming.

Q.10. Write five uses of Lasers.

Q.11. Write names of five Antibiotics.

Q.12. Write five functions of proteins and their sources.

Q.13. Name five different stages of life of the physical development.

Q.14. Write five functions of blood.

Q.15. Write a short note on Information Technology.

Q.16. Write five uses of "Ultrasonic".
(30 MARKS)
Attempt three questions from this Section. Each question carries 10 Marks.

Q.17. Write names of main components of food. Describe any four components.

Q.18. What is Allotropy? Name two Crystalline forms of Carbon. Write two properties and two uses of each.

Q.19. Describe the structure of human brain with the help of labelled diagrams.

Q.20. What is "Hepatitis"? Write its causes, symptoms and precautionary measures.

Q.21. Define "Radioactivity". Write Radiation Hazards and precautions to minimize radiation danger.


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